Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blogs to read for mommies-to-be

Well hello Blog!
Life has been so crazy lately and although I've rested plenty I haven't had a moment to pause and chat about it for a while!
Yesterday, I realized I've been up and down since I've moved back to Denver. Taking care of errands as if time was running out... 
Which in fact, with only 11 weeks left till baby Aria is due, it sure does feel like it.
I decided to turn things down a bit and go on a date with myself.

So a pedicure its was!:)
I always am a boring one for mani-pedis just getting clear coats but this time I went all glitter crazy.
(so out of my comfort zone lol)
Let me tell you something though! when you have super
 swollen feet a massage is exactly what you need!
While I was sitting there relaxing I realized how much I've grown in the last couple years. I used to never be comfortable being with myself. It always felt awkward or I would just be texting someone. But since living in New Mexico and not really having any friends near me I got used to doing things on my own. Its nice to know I can be on my own and still have a good time. 

Another thing I've been doing a lot lately is baby stuff shopping and blog reading
Needless to say I've been on Pinterest a lot lately!
If you are a mommy-to-be here are a couple of blogpost I've really enjoyed reading:

1.) Bokoro's Story really touched my heart and changed my perspective on giving birth. A really humbling story.

2.) Since finding out I was having a girl I was worried, reading this beautiful blog and seeing the way she includes her daughter (and son) in her blog inspires me and really gets me excited about having a little mini me!:)

3.) Lastly ill share this blog its great and has plenty of awesome posts for first time mommies!

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